I might just be a little too green to be dissociating in my second week of running. I looked at the beautiful bluebirds. I thought, my what a large tree beside the railroad. But, oddly enough, I started panting before I made it to my chosen telephone pole; which meant I went a little farther than a football field length before slowing to a crawl.
During my second attempt - changed schedule 2min/runs and 3min/walks - I began to wonder just how far I could really run in 2 minutes if chased by a grizzly. Sad to say, the bear would have thought chasing me unsporting thus prancing off for leaner meat.
Third time I decided to count my steps as an estimate for elapsed time. This is when my chest, left side where I carry my heart, began to hurt a little. Okay, I'm how far away from a cell phone and about to have a heart attack? Yeah, it's all in my head; although, I had Pizza Hut Friday night, Snow crab legs w/ butter Saturday night, and popcorn Sunday night.
It was in my last attempt I made a slight break through. When I count, I count to eight. (A habit from all those choreographed numbers in high school or wasted years of piano.) My count easily worked into a pattern. On the counts of 1 & 2 and 5 & 6, I breathed in. I then exhaled on 3 & 4 and 7 & 8. The coolest thing, I went past the required 2 minutes with this method and my pace remained decent.
I did a light run, one might say jog, on the way home with one fartlek for good measure. Total time exercising ~30 minutes. Total length ~mile?
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