Saturday, December 15, 2007

Week 3 Completed!

What a cruddy day! I checked the weather radar before we headed out and it looked like 45 to an hour before the rain would hit us. I was wrong! It started to come down after 30 minutes had past. I was pretty close to home but hubby was still far back on the route. He shunned the bike and told me he wanted to walk for exercise.

The plan was to yell stop from his walking position. I knew it wouldn't work. I'm starting to cover some ground in 3 minutes and I hate turning around to catch back up to him. It would be okay if he was really hittin' it, but he just ambles. After the second 3 minutes, where I had to back track running, I went ahead and asked for the watch.

To make the workout within the non-rain time, I shortened the minutes walking from 3 to two. My very last run got me to the railroad tracks and the rain. Hubby was nowhere in site. I went on home and I'm sure town folks thought I was insane, walking in the rain without a hat. I looked like a drowned rat once I finally got indoors. Hubby had the keys!

Tip: In downpours without lightening Magnolias make great umbrellas. :D

Note: Glass art by Michele Blank at A Work of Art in South Carolina

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