Sunday, May 16, 2010
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I'm Back!

This year is different. I'm a runner and no one can take that away from me. I may run slow, but I am still running. I may be able to speed walk passed my running self, but I am still running. I asked our pace leader last Monday when we can start calling ourselves runners and she said as we trudged up a hill, "Now!" :P
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Now This IS Funny!
36:30 for my first 5k since 1995!
Hum, look at my form.
No not the goofey smile, but the barely moving feet.
This is me hauling arse?!?
I'll be spending these next weeks working on form and speed!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I Did It!

I passed the first mile marker with a great time. Just a little over a ten minute mile while I felt I was running a twelve! I let out a little “Wahoo” to the timer and kept on going. At some point a little girl in the race wanted to know if I was walking or running. I overheard her ask her mother as I went by. That’s okay.
I started to really fatigue after my initial 30 minutes past. I hadn’t run past 30 minutes yet, but I was forced to do it for the race. I’m pretty thrilled with my time, too! I did the race in 36.5 minutes! That’s a little under a 12 minute mile for a 5k is more than 3 miles! This time provides room for improvement while not being too embarrassing.
My feelings were hurt at the finish line. The jovial, congratulatory race timers ignored my coming in! There were two men at the timer box and the older one turned to the younger one, bending his ear about my performance. A passer-by noticed the obvious lack of encouragement and gave me an in-my-ear, “Great Job!”
I shouldn’t let these two jerks ruin what was a great race for me. No, I’m not speedy, but I accomplished something. I ran my first 5k in over 12 year, and I didn’t walk once!
Afterwards, the headache started. This is the hard part of racing. I’m doomed to a debilitating sinus headache when the race is over. This one was extremely tough and lasted until I went to sleep. I found that eating, actually helps ease the pain, but then I feel like throwing up.
Funny, how I forgot all about the headaches. They say a mother has to forget about childbirth in order to have more children. I do remember—back in the day—calling a race fully successful when I ended without the pain.
Why does it happen, you ask? Well, during races I run with my mouth closed. It’s one of those mannerisms that automatically turn on when around others. I don’t have the same problem training b/c I’m all alone or with hubby. I’ll have to work on it, but vanity is my lot.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
I'm Still In This!
Monday, December 31, 2007
I Know What Your Thinking!
BUT, your wrong!
I ran 8 minutes and walked 2 minutes for thirty minutes this morning! I have no idea what week it is?!? I had to return the running book to the library! Bah!
I ran 8 minutes and walked 2 minutes for thirty minutes this morning! I have no idea what week it is?!? I had to return the running book to the library! Bah!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Week 3 Completed!

The plan was to yell stop from his walking position. I knew it wouldn't work. I'm starting to cover some ground in 3 minutes and I hate turning around to catch back up to him. It would be okay if he was really hittin' it, but he just ambles. After the second 3 minutes, where I had to back track running, I went ahead and asked for the watch.
To make the workout within the non-rain time, I shortened the minutes walking from 3 to two. My very last run got me to the railroad tracks and the rain. Hubby was nowhere in site. I went on home and I'm sure town folks thought I was insane, walking in the rain without a hat. I looked like a drowned rat once I finally got indoors. Hubby had the keys!
Tip: In downpours without lightening Magnolias make great umbrellas. :D
Note: Glass art by Michele Blank at A Work of Art in South Carolina
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Don't Burst My Bubble
I really like hubby on the bike. He's my trainer, my timer, and my annoyer. He becomes rather bored biking in slow motion. To make up for the extra time on his hands he cuts the bike in front of me exaggerating my snail pace. Other times he tricks the bike behind me where my eyes aren't. Ah, but when he gets off the bike to walk with me he can't keep up. Pansy!
This week--I told you wrong--I'm supposed to run 5 sets of 3 minute run/walks, um, not 4 sets. Oops!
I treated myself to a Mr. Bubble bubblebath afterwards. Yeah!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Start of 3rd Week!

Monday, December 10, 2007
Saturday Runs...

I skipped Saturday's run figuring the exercise to the bathroom was efficient. We both felt better Sunday morning, but it wasn't to be. Our morning run/bike sucked. I did only 4 reps and called it an idleout.
Today's weather was foggy with a hint of drizzle. We called the run/walk off hoping to be back to our ole selves tomorrow.
2 Funnies
- My preacher stopped us Sunday morning to ask if I was alright. Other than struggling to get the two minutes, my shorts were falling off. I then proceeded to tell him my diarrhea problem so he wouldn't expect me at church. My husband informed me he was red at the loss of my shorts and completely purple with the subsequent health confession.
- We both shook hands with a couple Friday night who called in sick this morning with the flu. We both got a flu shot this past November, pshew.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Oh, I'm So Excited!

Breezy, 70 degrees with a blue/pink tinted sky prophesying rain, we headed out at 5:00 pemmer. My husband on a bike and I on foot, were thrilled with the weather. This past Wednesday it was 40 degrees with 30 mph gusts. What's going on with this weather!
This was the first training day with a bike involved and I loved it. Okay, the hubby was a little annoying with the S-maneuvers, but it worked well for me. Before the change up, I was running to a predetermined spot then turning around and coming back to hear hubby say stop. I miserly took the turns and lacked motivation to pick back up. With the bike, I picked a spot ahead and kept running at the same speed until he hollered stop.
Next week begins the 3 minute run then 3 minute walk for five repetitions. I think I'm ready.
Oh, and hubby says my speed has really improved!
Note: Texas Landscape by V....Vaughan looks like the field we pass on our jaunts.
Monday, December 3, 2007
A One'a and A Two'a

I might just be a little too green to be dissociating in my second week of running. I looked at the beautiful bluebirds. I thought, my what a large tree beside the railroad. But, oddly enough, I started panting before I made it to my chosen telephone pole; which meant I went a little farther than a football field length before slowing to a crawl.
During my second attempt - changed schedule 2min/runs and 3min/walks - I began to wonder just how far I could really run in 2 minutes if chased by a grizzly. Sad to say, the bear would have thought chasing me unsporting thus prancing off for leaner meat.
Third time I decided to count my steps as an estimate for elapsed time. This is when my chest, left side where I carry my heart, began to hurt a little. Okay, I'm how far away from a cell phone and about to have a heart attack? Yeah, it's all in my head; although, I had Pizza Hut Friday night, Snow crab legs w/ butter Saturday night, and popcorn Sunday night.
It was in my last attempt I made a slight break through. When I count, I count to eight. (A habit from all those choreographed numbers in high school or wasted years of piano.) My count easily worked into a pattern. On the counts of 1 & 2 and 5 & 6, I breathed in. I then exhaled on 3 & 4 and 7 & 8. The coolest thing, I went past the required 2 minutes with this method and my pace remained decent.
I did a light run, one might say jog, on the way home with one fartlek for good measure. Total time exercising ~30 minutes. Total length ~mile?
Saturday, December 1, 2007
4, 5 I'm Still Alive!

Man, why didn't someone tell me this sooner. I have always thought I would do better with music or chants such as army runs, because of the music aspect. In reality, these are alternative ways to dissociate from your body and have fun.
The book suggest I play a game. Focus on an object ahead and think about it. "As you run, pretend that everything you see and hear is like a videotape that you're watching at home. Look for particular appealing sights - a birdhouse, pretty flowers, leaves that have been raked, an unusual car - and latch onto them with your mind." p174
I'll try that Monday. I also think I should revisit the program I'm currently struggling to complete. I'm going to change and do the one suggested in CBofR. I may also start from the beginning, and redo this past week. The difference is the amount of walk time in between 2 minute runs. Today, not a muscle hurt or a knee twinged, I just gave up b/c I couldn't breathe. What a baby, right?
I've picked out a 5k to run and may have to change that date. We will see.
Oh, found a penny on heads! See a penny, pick it up, and all day long you'll have good luck.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Day Three

Banana, 3 raspberries, Loonie's peanut-fiber bar, Taco Bell, Krystals, meat-on-a-stick, and a fortune cookie. All eaten with a grin.
Yesterday, I had 2 sugar cookies before I hit the road and thought I was going to pass out from the flem. Glad no one reads this. :)
Running makes you choose better-for-you food.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Second Day and I'm Still Alive!
How hard is this, yet I can't do it! I mean really! I'm sure I have run longer than 2 minutes, but
because I'm doing this as training, I can't make it past 1.5 minutes. I suck!

That's okay though. Next week when I step it up to 3 minutes maybe I'll make 2.5. It's all psychosomatic. I'm running after the training and doing just fine.
My desire is to be a runner, not some mamby-pamby jogger. I'm all over jogging. I've jogged 2 half-marathons and one 15 miler. I have to be honest with myself, though. I need to set a goal I can actually obtain.
So here is my first speed goal - run a 5k in 30 minutes. Hubby says no way. I can walk a 10 minute mile. Why is it I'm unable to run a 10 minute mile? Anyone?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
First Day as a Runner!
That's right folks! I'm starting a running program!
Why, you ask?
I like food! I like the way food smells. I like certain food textures such as crunchy, cheesy, and chewy. I like salt. I like sugar. I like the way food taste. I like food so much I tend to over indulge. I also like new clothes! I like to look good in new clothes, but I like food more. 'Nuff Said!
Folks, I'm the proud owner of two brand-spanking-new running shoes! With these shoes I plan to run my first marathon December 6, 2008. I spent two hours at Breakaway in Memphis where I purchased a pair of Brooks and Saucony. The Brooks will carry me through weekday jaunts and for the long hauls I'll be donning the Saucony.
This afternoon, I picked up my feet and threw them back down a little too loud and a little too hard, but I did it all the same. Today's training consisted of two minute runs followed by one minute walks for a total of 12 minutes. It was hard, I was winded, but it felt good. I then did some pace work, where I just went without concentrating on my watch, slowing to a walk when winded. I added one fartlek at the end for good measure then jogged home.
Right now, it's not about the mileage, it's simply pickin-em up and puttin-em down in order to become a better consumer of my favorites: food and clothes.
Why, you ask?
I like food! I like the way food smells. I like certain food textures such as crunchy, cheesy, and chewy. I like salt. I like sugar. I like the way food taste. I like food so much I tend to over indulge. I also like new clothes! I like to look good in new clothes, but I like food more. 'Nuff Said!

This afternoon, I picked up my feet and threw them back down a little too loud and a little too hard, but I did it all the same. Today's training consisted of two minute runs followed by one minute walks for a total of 12 minutes. It was hard, I was winded, but it felt good. I then did some pace work, where I just went without concentrating on my watch, slowing to a walk when winded. I added one fartlek at the end for good measure then jogged home.
Right now, it's not about the mileage, it's simply pickin-em up and puttin-em down in order to become a better consumer of my favorites: food and clothes.
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